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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things never really go as planned

Well today I had planned to come home around 5, feed my beautiful Hailey, make a nice healthy dinner, play with Hailey, do bath time, bedtime then me time. Not at all what happened...I ended up getting off early to take Hailey to the doctors. Of course after a week of not feeling well and not being herself when I finally do take her to the doctors shes feeling fine. Isn't that always the way it goes. So after coming home I decided to have my husband pick up some Wendys (so not Weight Watchers friendly,LOL) and I played with my daughter, did bath time then bedtime.
I don't feel like I got anything accomplished really but it is nice just to do nothing for a change, especially on 3 hours sleep. Hooray for the awesome husband who went back out to get food since he got the text message too late and hooray for the awesome daughter for feeling better.

I have been lucky enough to be able to spend some of my me time checking out some great blogs and finding some great ones to follow. And of course doing my best to update this blog and make it awesome!

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